Her name is Abendroth Carol Sexauer. But you can call her Abbey. She was born on February 7, 2009 at 6:15 AM in Concord, MA. She was 19 inches long and weighed 6 lbs 9 oz. And her mom, Kate delivered her completely naturally, to the wonder and amazement of her father, Matt, and the doctors and support staff.
Here is a list of frequently given responses to some of the most popular questions asked about Abbey so far in her thus short, short lifetime.
1. "AH-ben-droth". It is a german surname on Matt's side that literally translates to "Evening Red", a poetic way to describe a sunset.
2. "Carol" is in loving memory of Kate's aunt Carol.
3. She is the first grandchild on either side of the family.
4. Blue.
5. In mom's arms, in dad's arms, in Nana Jeanne's arms, on the big blue chair, and last night in the bassinet.
6. Cloth diapers, once she's big enough.
7 Technically Trey Anastasio at the Orpheum Theater in Boston back on October 23.
8. Uncle Jeff
9. Aunt E
10. Woofie
We here at the Sexauer house hope that these answers help with your questions. Keep checking in for more Ab-ventures, pictures, bad puns, and general trivia about the smallest, loudest, and hungriest member of our family.